Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My Mother

She lifts her head and sets her eyes on a tiny form held upside down, trying to take its first breath. A Woman in white looks at her and says three much awaited words, “It’s a boy.” Her eyes sparkle with excitement and all sorts of thoughts start streaming into her head. “Name?” “How Big Is He?” “Is He Healthy?” “Is He Cute?” She has borne the pain, the heartburn, the vomiting for an agonizing nine months.
However, all that is quickly forgotten when she holds him to her bosom. Then, she looks at him again. Eyes shut, fists clenched, as red as a tomato, a glorious wonder of nature. Her Spawn, Her Blood flowing through his veins. She gently caresses him and waits for her husband.


“Vinny……Vinny,” she yells. “Where is he?” She looks all over the house and he’s nowhere to be found. Her eyes frantically scan the backyard for any sign of movement.
She starts to worry. With trembling hands she picks up the phone and dials.

Mother: “Baba, I can’t find him….I’ve looked everywhere….What should I do?” her
voice shaking with trepidation.
Father : “Who Love?” he asks calmly.
Mother: “Vinny!! He’s nowhere to be found. I asked the servants and they don’t have a
clue. Please come home quickly, I don’t know what to do.” She starts to sob.
Father : “Call Raju, I’m on my way.”

She calls her brother and he leaves for the house. Two hours have passed and she starts to panic. The word spreads and phone calls start to pour in from concerned friends and relatives. Father reaches home and tries to calm her down. In the meantime, Raju starts to call whoever he knows in the police.

Seven hours go by and still no trace of little Vinny. By now she’s hysterical and the helplessness of the situation just adds to the same. Father tries to console her but to no avail. She faints.

A Brook….A River….An expanse of blue…bright light. She wakes up with a jolt, her throat parched. Its early morning. “Where’s my baby?” She walks out of the room and Father meets her. She’s never seen him look so shattered. His eyes say it all and her heart begins to sink. “Where’s he?” she asks with a quivering voice. He hugs her. “WHERE IS HE?” she screams. He holds her tight and leads her to the verandah.
His body is still, fists clenched, eyes shut. She gently caresses him and the pain returns.

“AAAAARRGH……” Bright light, lady in white.
“Relax Rani, one of the stitches had to be attended to,” says the lady.
“Where’s He?” she asks with a worried look.
“Look to your left.”
She looks and reaches out to hold him. “Never, Never will I ever let you go,” she vows to herself.


Anonymous said...

Really well-written... I could almost feel Mother's fear. Is there a non-fictive element to the story?

Anonymous said...

find your lost sense of compassion.

Anonymous said...
